A HOYLAND Common man who is hoping to stop the creation of a new supermarket via an ingenious way has created a new song to help his cause.

Lidl lodged its bid for a new store on Sheffield Road, off Birdwell roundabout, with a proposed new access off Cross Keys Lane before withdrawing the application before a planning meeting scheduled for December last year.

A new amended application was submitted earlier this year, with the public consultation period now finished.

However, 72-year-old Stewart Crew believes there may be a way to stop the development going ahead.

On Cross Keys Lane is a 200-year-old dry-stone wall which Barry Hines would have walked down daily on his way to Rockingham Colliery.

Stewart believes that this shows the wall is a site of significance - and like the wall William Shakespeare used to sit on, it should be left untouched.

In a bid to stop the building of the supermarket, Stewart has created a new song called ‘Barry’s Wall’.

He told the Chronicle: “If we lived in a rural area walls like these would be protected, and would be considered to be of historical importance, especially if associated with famous artists and writers like Barry Hines.

“I’m a musician and songwriter and I’ve written a song, it’s called Barry’s Wall - I hope to download it on YouTube soon.

“I’ve also contacted the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport to enquire about a preservation order to be placed on the wall.

“People may think I’m grasping at straws, many people think I’m wasting my time, but I feel I must try and do something to stop the developers stealing anymore of our green spaces.”