PLANS to demolish Hoyland Methodist Church and replace it with seven new properties have been re-submitted to Barnsley Council.

The building, on Market Street, was closed recently due to a dwindling congregation at the church.

If the plans are approved, the church will be replaced by two detached house, two semi-detached properties and a townhouse.

A report said: “In recent years, Hoyland Methodist Church have experienced a diminishing congregation to a point where numbers made it unviable to heat, service and maintain the buildings.

“The church building was used by small community groups that contributed financially with the upkeep costs.

“However due to the local authority making their own facilities in the area available without charge, these groups no longer used the church facilities.

“As part of a general review of the Methodist church facilities it was decided, by church leaders, that the Market Street building should close.

“The remaining congregation have merged with the nearby church in Birdwell that has been renamed ‘Birdwell and Hoyland Methodist Church’.

“The building itself, while structurally safe, is deteriorating and in need of repair.

“Dampness in the walls at lower level is evident in the older sections of the property.

“Roof leaks are also showing on some upper floor ceilings.

“The proposal is to demolish the existing buildings on site and erect seven dwellings.”

The report added that the new plans will improve the way the area looks.

“It has been concluded that there will be no significant impact upon the properties to the east or west of the site, which will enjoy separation distances well in excess of the recommendations of the South Yorkshire residential design guide,” it added.

“The demolition of the existing building and introduction of the proposed new dwellings will significantly improve both the outlook and overshadowing to properties to the north of the site.

“The proposed traditionally constructed dwellings are in keeping with the general style of properties on new developments throughout the borough.

“It is unlikely that any jobs will be created because of the development other than those persons employed to carry out the building works.

“Because the scheme is small in scale it will not impact on the community infrastructure, services or facilities.”

A total of 30 neighbouring properties have been made aware of the plans with no appeals to date.

Public consultation ends on May 2.