A YOUNGSTER raised more than £1,500 over Christmas to support a fellow pupil who’s suffering with cancer.

Reggie Cartwright, ten, ran 100 miles in December to raise funds for Children with Cancer UK, after he found out that a Gawber Primary School pupil had been diagnosed with cancer.

He originally planned on finishing the full distance on Christmas Day, but ended up going above and beyond and managed to complete it a day early, raising more than £1,500 for the charity before Santa set off.

Teaching assistant at his school, Ellie Richardson, said: “The other pupil’s not even a friend, just someone else in school he wanted to support.

“Every day he would be putting up videos on Facebook saying ‘I did a steady five miles today’ - he’s only ten, there’s no such thing as a steady five miles at his age.

“Reggie was very modest about his achievement and did not tell his teachers at school what he was doing.

“When everyone did find out he was rightly proud of himself, and glad that enough people knew about it to sponsor him, but didn’t want any praise.”