RESIDENTS in Monk Bretton have called on Barnsley Council to introduce speed measures in the area following an upsurge in accidents on the Full House estate which has been described as a ‘rat run’ for impatient motorists.

More than 100 people have already signed the petition which is due to be handed to Barnsley Council bosses in the coming months.

They are calling for action on Tennyson Road due to a supposed increase in the number of motorists speeding on the road despite their being a tight bend.

It’s resulted in a number of accidents in recent months and some parents have even been forced to keep their children indoors due to growing fears they may be involved in an accident.

Coun Nicola Sumner, who represents the Central ward, told the Chronicle she is fully supportive of the residents and their plans.

She added: “The Full House estate is a lovely place to live but unfortunately Tennyson Road has become an issue for residents.

“The road runs through the estate and there are three bends, one quite sharp.

“Increasingly cars are using it as a rat run to avoid the Burton Road and Rotherham Road traffic lights.

“A resident contacted me during the election and as I knocked on doors, it was clearly an issue that kept coming up.

“Some don’t let their children play out or call at the local shop.”

Maggie’s Cafe, on Tennyson Road, is run by local resident Maggie Wood and she has been supporting the petition much to the delight of local residents.

Coun Sumner has praised her work, and has promised to deliver the petition to Barnsley Council in the near future.

She added: “Only last month there was a collision as a driver miscalculated their speed on the bend.

“The petition is asking is for the council to assess the road and determine a solution.

“More than 100 signatories shows there is a strong feeling on the estate about this.

“Maggie has been brilliant at the cafe, she is an integral part of the community there.

“I am grateful to her and residents for supporting the petition and I will formally submit it as one of my first acts as a new councillor for Central ward.”

Councillor James Higginbottom, cabinet spokesperson for environment and highways, said: “We will always investigate any road safety concerns raised by elected members and residents.

“Our Traffic team will undertake an investigation into the issues raised around Tennyson Road and the Full House estate that have been raised through this petition and update petitioners and elected members in due course.

“As a member of the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership, we work closely with our strategic partners to make Barnsley’s roads safer for all.

“This year, we are investing more than £17m into maintaining and improving our highways, helping to improve road safety across the borough.”