A WOMBWELL man who went through a heartbreaking battle with cancer is hoping his brave story will encourage others to get checked out - before it’s too late.
Kaine Parker, 31, of Claecott Lane, was diagnosed with testicular cancer last July after he felt pain in the area for a number of weeks.
He said he had a healthy lifestyle and that he didn’t drink too much - so when he received the ‘dreaded’ news that he had cancer, he was shocked.
Though this has prompted him to encourage other people to act on their instincts and to not bottle up how they’re feeling.
“I was absolutely blessed, in every part of my life,” he said.
“I enjoyed growing accompanied with my family and financially there were no worries.
“Outside of work, I couldn’t pick a better group of friends.
“I was living that normal, blessed life - everything in it was just perfect.
“I couldn’t really change anything about my life - I’ve had some amazing memories right through my twenties and then things took a little bit of a turn and I was diagnosed with cancer.
“I don’t think I look like the stereotype of what cancer is - I never thought in a million years this would happen.”
He originally noticed the lump on his testicle and, although the thought that it could be cancerous did enter his mind, he decided not to go see the doctor.
Instead it was his mum who urged him to go see a professional - and after a scan at Barnsley Hospital he heard the words that no one wants to hear.
“In July I noticed a small lump on my testicle and I think we can all say as lads we want to avoid something like this,” Kaine added.
“I remember saying to one of the lads ‘what if it’s cancer?’
“I pushed it away to the back of my mind that it was never going to be this - I thought it was something that just other people get.
“I kind of ignored it for a month or so and there was no significant growth of the lump but I did get more painful sensations down there.
“A little bit of pressure from my mum and I went and made the appointment - the doctor played it safe and I was booked in for a scan at the hospital.
“I walked into the scan confident and the following day I was told the words that no one wants to hear - ‘I’m sorry Kaine, it’s cancer’.
“I was just shocked - I had to take a lay down and I couldn’t breathe.”
After undergoing successful surgery to remove the cancer, Kaine then underwent more than 120 hours of chemotherapy.
He said one of the worst parts of cancer is the ‘unknown’ - but despite knowing that his hair would fall out, that was one of the parts that hit home the most.
“I remember having a bath one night, washing my hair and looking down at my hands and seeing hair - I broke down and cried,” he said.
“It was just in your face and it made it real.
“It was a tough few months, I’ve now finished my chemotherapy.
“I’ve had 123 hours and met some amazing people on this journey.”
Kaine was given the all clear last month - and he’s now wanting to repay those that supported him along his tough journey by raising awareness.
He said: “I’m grateful and blessed that I’ve been successful and I’ve had the amazing news that I’m clear of testicular cancer and it’s showing nowhere else in my body.
“This does happen to people and you never expect it.
“I want to give that belief that when people do hear the dreaded news that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
“We can beat this.
“We’ve got to keep listening to our bodies - don’t be ashamed to speak to a doctor or your friends, you’re so much better off.
“Even if you do have that dreaded news you’re more likely to beat it.”