There was a record-breaking number of nominations – more than 400 in all – and a sell-out crowd of almost 550 packed into the Metrodome Arena to see the 18 awards handed out.
It was the first time that the Sir Michael Parkinson Special Recognition Award was presented by Sir Michael’s son, Mike, who told the audience that Barnsley always had a special place in his father’s heart.
Mike also said that his father would have approved of the inaugural recipient of the award, artist Ashley Jackson.

Barnsley Central MP, Dan Jarvis opened the evening, describing Proud of Barnsley as the borough’s flagship event which had continued to grow year-on-year since its inception.
And he praised the sponsors who continue to find the money to support the event.
“Quite simply, without their support, an ambitious event like Proud of Barnsley just would not happen,” he said, before introducing Barnsley Youth Choir who captivated the crowd with four songs which showcased their vocal versatility.

Mayor, Coun Mick Stowe, delivered the first big surprise of the night – choosing the fundraising team at Barnsley Hospice as the recipients of his special award.
He said while he had met many impressive people in his first six months as mayor, he had been particularly impressed by the fundraising team whose job every year was to raise around £3.5million.
He said: “I doubt that there will be a person in this room tonight whose life will not have been somehow touched by the work of Barnsley Hospice.”
He singled out the efforts of Mike Pastor, Vicky Stead, Simon Atkinson, Hannah Clarkson, Sharon Dolan, Claire Coles and Julia Bowness before inviting them onto the stage to collect their award.

You can see a full gallery of photo's from the evening here
A full list of winners from this years awards, along with sponsors can be found here