TWO Barnsley men are being hailed heroes after their quick thinking and bravery helped to rescue a coach load of school children following a horrific crash.

Traffic management workers Ben Thomas and Charles Wallace were behind the coach driving along a narrow country lane in Hereford on Monday.  The coach crashed down an embankment landing on its side trapping the driver and 45 pupils inside.

Ben, 22, from Midland Road, Royston, Charles, 62, from Barnsley Road, Darfield ran to help. Smoke was coming from the vehicle and the children were screaming. 

Ben said: "I told the kids to shut their eyes to protect themselves from the glass then I punched the window through with my fist."

He dragged an unconscious girl through the window and carried her to safety. He then returned again and again to save more children.

** The full story is in the Barnsley Chronicle, dated November 14. **