HOYLAND Springwood school is still not making enough progress towards pulling itself out of special measures, says Ofsted.

The school went into special measures in July last year and since then has had four monitoring inspections, the most recent on December 4. Inspectors said the school needed to improve its quality of teaching, effectiveness of leadership, and pupil safety.

The inspector in July said leaders and governors had to take immediate action to ensure pupils' safety and improve communication with parents. It had to tighten up policies for child protection, behaviour and use of physical restraint.

The school needed to 'more regularly and systematically' analyse incidents and always tell parents when physical restraint was used or if their children 'had been injured as a result of behavioural incidents'.

The latest monitoring inspection found Springwood's pupil achievement at the end of Key Stage 2 was lower in 2014 than the previous year, mainly because there were more pupils with special educational needs.

There were some improvements. A new temporary co-ordinator for special educational needs was beginning to develop short programmes to boost the weakest pupils' skill and confidence. Teachers' marking processes were better and leaders had improved teaching and learning in Key Stage 2.

However, inspector Bernard Campbell concluded: "Having considered all the evidence I am of the opinion that at this time the school is not making enough progress towards the removal of special measures."