A MIRACLE baby born just eight days after his mum learned she was pregnant has defied doctors to be allowed home early after spending the first two months of his life in hospital.

Louie James Hampshire was featured in the Chronicle after he was born 12 weeks premature in June weighing just 2lbs 8oz at most - he was weighed with tubes and equipment attached so his true weight was probably even less.

His stunned parents Charlotte Stevenson and Oliver Hampshire had no idea Charlotte was even pregnant until just eight days before he was born.

She had no bump and no symptoms of pregnancy and only went to see the doctor for reassurance because she had stomach pains - was convinced it was just ‘something she ate’.

But now little Louie is approaching 7lbs and doing very well at home at Eshlands Brook, West Green, with his proud parents.

Read more in this weeks Barnsley Chronicle