VOLUNTEERS from Barnsley set off to flood-hit West Yorkshire yesterday with a van full of supplies and have offered to stay as long as necessary to help.

Jeff Platts of Darfield was spurred into action when he realised how badly people needed help after advertising some curtains on Facebook.

"I had a pair of curtains spare and when I put a message out on Facebook asking if anybody needed them, naturally flood victims responded. That's when I realised there was a real need to help those affected up in Calderdale and around Leeds,"said Jeff, 49.

Jeff's pal Andy Hodgkinson, manager of Jump Working Men's Club, added: "I only learned that I could do something to help Monday evening at about 8pm. Jeff called me asking if I wanted to join him in the transit van."

Andy put a Facebook message out on Monday evening and exploited his local contacts to encourage locals to donate supplies. People from all over Barnsley turned out to help.

Read more in this weeks Barnsley Chronicle